Birth Chart of Shihori Kanjiya, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Shihori Kanjiya - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
12 December 1985 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Shihori Kanjiya 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Shihori Kanjiya
Date of Birth Dec 12, 1985
(actress, instagram)
Date of Birth Dec 12, 1985
(actress, instagram)
Shihori Kanjiya - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Hayako Sensei, Kekkon Surutte Honto Desu Ka? (TV series)
Watashitachi ga Puropozu Sarenai noni wa, 101 no Riyuu ga Atte da na 2 (TV series)
Maza Gemu - Kanojo tachi no Kaikyuu - (TV series)
The Mourner
Yoshiwara Uradoshin (TV series)
Vancouver's Asahi
Suteki na Sentaxi (TV series)
Until The Day Comes
The Snow White Murder Case
Sakura Housara
Ofukou-san (TV series)
Mi wo Tsukushi Ryoricho
The Great Shu Ra Ra Boom
Apoyan ~ Hashiru Kokusai Kuko ~ (TV series)
Yae no Sakura (TV series)
Angel Home
Paikaji nankai sakusen
Kuniko Mukoda's Innocent (TV series)
Mō yūkai nante shinai
Mi wo Tsukushi Ryoricho
Family Song (TV series)
Burakkuboodo (TV series)
Take the 'A' Train
Bequest Investigation (TV series)
Father of the Bride
Hanawake no Yon Shimai (TV series)
Bartender (TV series)
Rinne no Ame
Mr. Straightforward (TV series)
Kenzo Yabe, Lieutenant (TV series)
Golden Slumber
Love Shuffle (TV series)
The Triumphant Return of General Rouge
Buzzer Beat (TV series)
Wonderful Days
The Code: Angou
Freshman Director
Aren't You a Criminal? (TV series)
Andonatsu (TV series)
Sushi Oji! (TV series)
Sai Ren
Chiritotechin (TV series)
The Bandage Club
Roulette in the Blue Sky
Love Never to End
Night Time Picnic
Private Detective Mike Hama 5
Dead Waves
Ooku -War of the Belles- (TV series)
Funky Forest: The First Contact
H2: Kimi to itahibi (TV series)
Swing Girls
Survive Style 5+
Yumeko's Nightmare
Shihori Kanjiya 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Shihori Kanjiya Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
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Birthday Dec 12 |
1985 births |
Chinese Ox |
Life Path 11
Sun in Sagittarius + Moon in Sagittarius |
Sun 20° Sagittarius |
Mercury 29° Scorpio |
Venus 10° Sagittarius |
Mars 28° Libra |
Jupiter 14° Aquarius |
Saturn 2° Sagittarius |
Uranus 18° Sagittarius |
Neptune 2° Capricorn |
Pluto 6° Scorpio |
New Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Shihori Kanjiya, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Sagittarius
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Sagittarius
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Sagittarius bear the seal of the ruler of their sign, Jupiter, which symbolizes justice and happiness. They are therefore optimistic, active, social and very honest, sometimes to the extent that their directness hurts others, without them being aware of it. -»

New Moon
Birth, Beginning, Clarity
Aspen Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People under the rule of Aspen have a very varied life. They have adventurous character that often goes hand in hand with diverse abilities. They can do everything with great enthusiasm; they are able to sacrifice everything for a thing or a person. They do everything with all their energy and vigour. -»
Life Path - 11
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are ambitious and intelligent. They can achieve a great success, but also a great failure. They are gifted and have a tendency to have visions. They can use inspiration from God. -»
Birthday 12th - Versatility
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are creative and insightful. They are versatile and professionally capable. They are smart, popular and attractive. They excel in a number of areas. They are family-oriented. -»
Shihori Kanjiya 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Shihori Kanjiya - actress
Shihori Kanjiya was born on December 12, 1985 in Tokyo Shihori Kanjiya at: Wikipedia.org

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