Birth Chart of Roscoe Arbuckle, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Roscoe Arbuckle - Birth Chart (Roscoe Conkling Arbuckle)(Fatty Arbuckle)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Smith Center, Kansas
† 46 years
- Sun:
- Moon:
- ASC:
- Life Path: 6
29 June 1933
(Cause: Heart Attack)
actor, director
Roscoe Arbuckle - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth (local time):
24 March 1887 - 12:00
Universal Time (UT/GMT):
24 March 1887 - 18:00
US, Smith Center:
39°47'N, 98°47'W
House system:
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Roscoe Arbuckle 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Roscoe Arbuckle
Date of Birth - Mar 24, 1887
(actor, director, instagram)
Date of Birth - Mar 24, 1887
(actor, director, instagram)
Roscoe Arbuckle - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The Forgotten Films of Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle
So Funny It Hurt: Buster Keaton & MGM
Buster Keaton and Fatty Roscoe Arbuckle
100 Years at the Movies
The Three Stooges 60th Anniversary Special
Charlie Chaplin: The Little Tramp
The Golden Age of Buster Keaton
The Great Stone Face
The Funniest Man in the World
Hollywood: The Golden Years
Days of Thrills and Laughter
Screen Snapshots: Memories of Famous Hollywood Comedians
Flicker Flashbacks No. 1, Series 1
Happy Times and Jolly Moments
Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 4
Movie Memories
How've You Bean?
Close Relations
Buzzin' Around
In the Dough
Hey, Pop!
Stars of Yesterday
Character Studies
Screen Snapshots, Series 6, No. 2
Go West
Leap Year
Screen Snapshots, Series 2, No. 1-F
Traveling Salesman
Gasoline Gus
The Fast Freight
Dollar a Year Man
Crazy to Marry
Brewster's Millions
Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 6
Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 3
The Round Up
Life of the Party
Back Stage
The Garage
The Hayseed
A Desert Hero
Camping Out
The Sheriff
Out West
The Bell Boy
Good Night, Nurse!
The Cook
The Butcher Boy
The Rough House
Oh, doctor!
A Country Hero
His Wedding Night
Coney Island
A Reckless Romeo
Charlie's Life
The Waiters' Ball
The Other Man
His Wife's Mistakes
He Did and He Didn't
Fatty and Mabel Adrift
A Creampuff Romance
Bright Lights
Mabel and Fatty Viewing the World's Fair at San Francisco
When Love Took Wings
A Village Scandal
That Little Band of Gold
Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers
Mabel's Wilful Way
Mabel, Fatty and the Law
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day
Mabel and Fatty's Simple Life
The Little Teacher
Hogan's Romance Upset
A Glimpse of the San Diego Exposition
Fickle Fatty's Fall
Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition
Fatty's Tintype Tangle
Fatty's Reckless Fling
Fatty's Plucky Pup
Fatty's New Role
Fatty's Chance Acquaintance
Fatty's Faithful Fido
Wished on Mabel
Mabel and Fatty's Married Life
Fatty and the Broadway Stars
Zip, the Dodger
Where Hazel Met the Villain
The Water Dog
The Under-Sheriff
Twixt Love and Fire
Those Happy Days
Those Country Kids
The Knockout
Their Ups and Downs
That Minstrel Man
Tango Tangle
A Suspended Ordeal
The Sky Pirate
Shotguns That Kick
The Sea Nymphs
A Rural Demon
A Rowboat Romance
A Robust Romeo
Rebecca's Wedding Day
Our Country Cousin
A Misplaced Foot
Lovers' Post Office
Love and Bullets
Leading Lizzie Astray
In the Clutches of the Gang
An Incompetent Hero
Chicken Chaser
His Favorite Pastime
His New Profession
The Rounders
The Masquerader
A Flirt's Mistake
A Film Johnnie
A Bath House Beauty
Fatty's Wine Party
Fatty's Gift
Fatty's Finish
Fatty's Jonah Day
Fatty's Debut
Fatty's Magic Pants
Lover's Luck
Fatty and the Heiress
Fatty and Minnie He-Haw
Fatty Again
Caught in a Flue
A Brand New Hero
Barnyard Flirtations
The Baggage Smasher
The Alarm
The Woman Haters
When Dreams Come True
The Waiters' Picnic
Two Old Tars
The Speed Kings
The Riot
The Telltale Light
Some Nerve
Safe in Jail
A Ride for a Bride
Rastus and the Game Cock
A Quiet Little Wedding
Professor Bean's Removal
Peeping Pete
Passions, He Had Three
A Noise from the Deep
The Gangsters
Murphy's I.O.U.
Mother's Boy
Fatty and the Bathing Beauties
Mabel's Dramatic Career
Love and Rubbish
Love and Courage
His Sister's Kids
He Would a Hunting Go
Help! Help! Hydrophobia!
The Gypsy Queen
For the Love of Mabel
Fatty's Flirtation
Fatty's Day Off
Fatty Joins the Force
Fatty at San Diego
The Faithful Taxicab
A Bandit
Almost a Rescue
Alas! Poor Yorick!
A Voice from the Deep
The Sanitarium
Mrs. Jones' Birthday
Making It Pleasant for Him
Ben's Kid
Roscoe Arbuckle - Filmography - Director (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Niagara Falls
Mother's Holiday
Moonlight and Cactus
Keep Laughing
It's a Cinch
Hollywood Luck
Hollywood Lights
Bridge Wives
Anybody's Goat
Windy Riley Goes Hollywood
Up Pops the Duke
Three Hollywood Girls
That's My Line
The Tamale Vendor
Take 'em and Shake 'em
Smart Work
Queenie of Hollywood
Marriage Rows
The Lure of Hollywood
Honeymoon Trio
Crashing Hollywood
Beach Pajamas
The Back Page
Won by a Neck
Up a Tree
Si Si Senor
The Red Mill
Special Delivery
Peaceful Oscar
One Sunday Morning
My Stars
His Private Life
Fool's Luck
Cleaning Up
The Tourist
The Movies
The Iron Mule
Fighting Dude
Stupid, But Brave
Leap Year
Special Delivery
Back Stage
The Garage
The Hayseed
A Desert Hero
Camping Out
The Sheriff
Out West
The Bell Boy
Good Night, Nurse!
The Cook
The Butcher Boy
The Rough House
Oh, doctor!
A Country Hero
His Wedding Night
Coney Island
A Reckless Romeo
The Waiters' Ball
The Moonshiners
His Wife's Mistakes
He Did and He Didn't
Fatty and Mabel Adrift
A Creampuff Romance
Bright Lights
Mabel and Fatty Viewing the World's Fair at San Francisco
When Love Took Wings
A Village Scandal
That Little Band of Gold
Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers
Mabel, Fatty and the Law
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day
Mabel and Fatty's Simple Life
Fickle Fatty's Fall
Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition
Fatty's Tintype Tangle
Fatty's Reckless Fling
Fatty's Plucky Pup
Fatty's New Role
Fatty's Chance Acquaintance
Fatty's Faithful Fido
Mabel and Fatty's Married Life
Fatty and the Broadway Stars
Zip, the Dodger
Where Hazel Met the Villain
The Water Dog
Those Happy Days
Those Country Kids
Their Ups and Downs
That Minstrel Man
A Suspended Ordeal
The Sky Pirate
Shotguns That Kick
The Sea Nymphs
A Rowboat Romance
Lovers' Post Office
Love and Bullets
Leading Lizzie Astray
An Incompetent Hero
Chicken Chaser
A Bath House Beauty
Fatty's Wine Party
Fatty's Gift
Fatty's Finish
Fatty's Jonah Day
Fatty's Debut
Fatty's Magic Pants
Lover's Luck
Fatty and the Heiress
Fatty and Minnie He-Haw
Fatty Again
A Brand New Hero
Barnyard Flirtations
The Alarm
Roscoe Arbuckle 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Roscoe Arbuckle Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Mar 24 |
1887 births |
1933 deaths |
Life Path 6
Sun in Aries + Moon in Aries + ASC in Cancer |
ASC 12° Cancer |
MC 22° Pisces |
Sun 3° Aries |
Sun in 10th house |
Moon 4° Aries | Moon in 10th house |
Mercury 28° Pisces |
Mercury in 10th house |
Venus 0° Taurus |
Venus in 11th house |
Mars 10° Aries |
Mars in 10th house |
Jupiter 4° Scorpio |
Jupiter in 5th house |
Saturn 15° Cancer |
Saturn in 1st house |
Uranus 10° Libra |
Uranus in 4th house |
Neptune 25° Taurus |
Neptune in 11th house |
Pluto 2° Gemini |
Pluto in 11th house |
Mercury Retrograde | Jupiter Retrograde | Uranus Retrograde |
New Moon Phase 0° |
Occupation: Actors | Occupation: Directors
Roscoe Arbuckle, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Aries
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Aries
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
The ruler of Aries is the planet Mars, which symbolizes energy, health, fighting spirit and leadership skills. People born under this sign are courageous and decisive in most situations in life. -»
Moon in Aries
Moon (Luna)
The feeling of uncertainty can make you solve problems faster then is natural. Do not rush as if there was a deadline. Try to slow down so that you can decide what you want to do and proceed at your own comfortable pace. A sense of peace may seem boring. You can run out of energy before you realise it but you have an extraordinary ability to quickly recover from any trauma and to regain strength when it is needed. Your temper may be astonishing, but when you are frustrated, it can suddenly fade away. You might feel that life is like a bit of a battle, try to calm the emotional rhythm, be aware that you are not under continuous threat of enemy forces, and pay attention to the feelings of others.
Ascendant (Rising Sign)
With Cancer Ascendant, you need to develop and refine your emotional life. Some people are so emotionally vulnerable that they form a shell around them to protect their soul. The challenge is to find a way to use your sensitivity in order to ensure that you are not overburdened with it. Cancer Ascendant can also be very surprised by how many emotions are hidden underneath his calm and cool appearance. You should learn to live in accordance with your internal and organic rhythms and currents. Governed by feelings, Cancer Ascendant cannot be convinced by explanations and logical arguments.
Capricorn Descendant - Partners & Compatibility
If you want to stay in your relationship, you should learn to distinguish which emotions are healthy and reasonable, and which should be controlled or dampen. Capricorn Descendant searches for partners that are secured, strong and stable. In time you should find these qualities within yourself and not expect to get them from others.
If Cancer is on the Ascendant, your partner can be older and more mature, but may seem to you cold or calculating. You must break out of your child role; learn to be objective, serious and plain in order to feel more confident and secure. You should accept certain restrictions in a relationship and have a solid, reliable attitude towards your partner.
Capricorn Descendant - Partners & Compatibility
If you want to stay in your relationship, you should learn to distinguish which emotions are healthy and reasonable, and which should be controlled or dampen. Capricorn Descendant searches for partners that are secured, strong and stable. In time you should find these qualities within yourself and not expect to get them from others.
If Cancer is on the Ascendant, your partner can be older and more mature, but may seem to you cold or calculating. You must break out of your child role; learn to be objective, serious and plain in order to feel more confident and secure. You should accept certain restrictions in a relationship and have a solid, reliable attitude towards your partner.

New Moon
0°49’ (Soli-Lunar Degree)
Birth, Beginning, Clarity
Hazel Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
They are quiet, discreet, they never draw attention on them, they do not raise their voice and very often you do not notice when they are around. Nevertheless, the saying "Still waters run deep" describes them well. -»
Life Path - 6
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people will have to make choices very often and it is necessary to make the right decisions in the face of emerging opportunities. Romantic relationship, family and home are the foundations for success. They like helping others. -»
Birthday 24th - Kindness
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are very friendly, helpful and caring. They are sensitive, gentle, generous and kind. They have a methodical approach and are practical. They like harmony and beauty. -»
Roscoe Arbuckle 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Roscoe Arbuckle - actor, director
Roscoe Arbuckle was born on March 24, 1887 in Smith Center, Kansas, United States Roscoe Arbuckle at: Wikipedia.org

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Roscoe Arbuckle
Planet positions:















Houses: (Placidus system)


















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