Birth Chart of Rolfe Sedan, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Rolfe Sedan - Birth Chart (Edward Sedan)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
New York, New York
† 86 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 8
Rolfe Sedan - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
28 January 1896 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Rolfe Sedan 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Rolfe Sedan
Date of Birth - Jan 28, 1896
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jan 28, 1896
(actor, instagram)
Rolfe Sedan - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The Frisco Kid
Love at First Bite
The World's Greatest Lover
The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington
Young Frankenstein
The Streets of San Francisco (TV series)
Maude (TV series)
Kung Fu (TV series)
The Smith Family (TV series)
The Jimmy Stewart Show (TV series)
Darling Lili
Wake Me When the War Is Over
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
36 Hours
The Smothers Brothers Show (TV series)
Run for Your Life (TV series)
The Art of Love
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV series)
The Addams Family (TV series)
Bedtime Story
Petticoat Junction (TV series)
Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre (TV series)
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (TV series)
McHale's Navy (TV series)
Combat! (TV series)
The Tab Hunter Show (TV series)
Pete and Gladys (TV series)
My Three Sons (TV series)
Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (TV series)
Adventures in Paradise (TV series)
77 Sunset Strip (TV series)
Mister Ed (TV series)
Mike Hammer (TV series)
Silk Stockings
Bachelor Father (TV series)
The Gale Storm Show: Oh! Susanna (TV series)
The Birds and the Bees
The Adventures of Jim Bowie (TV series)
Telephone Time (TV series)
So This Is Paris
Matinee Theatre (TV series)
Phantom of the Rue Morgue
Passport to Danger (TV series)
Meet Corliss Archer (TV series)
It's a Great Life (TV series)
December Bride (TV series)
The Mississippi Gambler
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
The Loretta Young Theatre (TV series)
Something to Live For
Gang Busters (TV series)
April in Paris
Adventures of Superman (TV series)
My Favorite Spy
A Millionaire for Christy
I Love Lucy (TV series)
Gruen Guild Playhouse (TV series)
Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok (TV series)
The Lucky Strike Program (TV series)
The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (TV series)
Let's Dance
That Forsyte Woman
San Antonio Rose
That Uncertain Feeling
Law of the Tropics
Angels with Broken Wings
Seven Sinners
Private Affairs
Laughing at Danger
I Was an Adventuress
Hired Wife
Golden Gloves
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle
The Mad Empress
Charlie Chan in City in Darkness
Everything Happens at Night
The Wizard of Oz
Under the Big Top
Topper Takes a Trip
That Certain Age
Strange Faces
Stolen Heaven
Paradise for Three
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife
Letter of Introduction
I'll Give a Million
A Desperate Adventure
A Trip to Paris
Adventure in Sahara
Thin Ice
The Firefly
Shall We Dance?
Rhythm in the Clouds
One Hundred Men and a Girl
Hitting a New High
High, Wide, and Handsome
The Girl Said No
Double or Nothing
Cafe Metropole
Bill Cracks Down
The Accusing Finger
Smartest Girl in Town
Under Two Flags
Arbor Day
Anything Goes
1,000 Dollars a Minute
The Lottery Lover
A Tale of Two Cities
Stars Over Broadway
Ship Cafe
Ruggles of Red Gap
Paris in Spring
A Night at the Opera
The Hands of Orlac
La veuve joyeuse
Charlie Chan in Paris
Here Comes the Band
Broadway Gondolier
All the King's Horses
Young and Beautiful
Wonder Bar
The Merry Widow
The Man Who Reclaimed His Head
The Cat and the Fiddle
Paris Interlude
Now and Forever
Many Happy Returns
Kid Millions
Kansas City Princess
I Am a Thief
Here Is My Heart
The Thin Man
Cross Country Cruise
Bachelor Bait
Apples to You!
42nd Street
The World Gone Mad
What! No Beer?
Walls of Gold
The Worst Woman in Paris?
The Way to Love
The Little Giant
The Sin of Nora Moran
She Had to Say Yes
Reunion in Vienna
Private Detective 62
The Nuisance
Notorious But Nice
Mush and Milk
Meet the Baron
Luxury Liner
Luncheon at Twelve
Laughing at Life
Design for Living
Jimmy and Sally
The Devil's Brother
Cocktail Hour
Clear All Wires!
Carnival Lady
Blondie Johnson
Arabian Tights
Winner Take All
Trouble in Paradise
This Is the Night
The Match King
The Passionate Plumber
New Morals for Old
Love Me Tonight
Grand Hotel
Jimmy's New Yacht
Evenings for Sale
Devil on Deck
Central Park
The Big Timer
Back Street
Are You Listening?
The Woman Between
Monkey Business
Once a Sinner
New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford
Man of the World
Ladies of the Big House
Just a Gigolo
Her Majesty, Love
The Gland Parade
The Galloping Ghost
Finn and Hattie
Fifty Million Frenchmen
Rolfe Sedan 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Rolfe Sedan Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Jan 28 |
1896 births |
1982 deaths |
Life Path 8
Sun in Aquarius + Moon in Cancer |
Sun 8° Aquarius |
Mercury 25° Aquarius |
Venus 28° Sagittarius |
Mars 4° Capricorn |
Jupiter 3° Leo |
Saturn 18° Scorpio |
Uranus 24° Scorpio |
Neptune 15° Gemini |
Pluto 10° Gemini |
Jupiter Retrograde | Neptune Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
Waxing Gibbous Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Rolfe Sedan, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Aquarius
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Aquarius
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Aquarius are influenced by two different planets. Saturn gives them peace of mind, concentration and persistence, while Uranus is responsible for their restlessness, originality and short temper. -»

Waxing Gibbous
Consolidating gains, Expanding, Analyze, Prepare, Trust
Cypress Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Cypress are tolerant, resourceful and faithful. However, they are also quite lazy and inclined to oppress the weak in their surroundings. They have the ability to endure the adversity of fate, which does not break them; on contrary, they learn from the experience. -»
Life Path - 8
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are ambitious and have a desire for power and money. Risky journeys will bring them success. The problem is sometimes a lack of courage, endurance and mental balance. They have good management and organizational skills. They are tough and persistent, but also conservative. -»
Birthday 28th - Divergence
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are independent and try to succeed. They are guided by their emotions and only then by reasoning. Romantic relationship and family ties are important. They have a sense of humour. They like to have everything under their control. They decide things for themselves. -»
Rolfe Sedan 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Rolfe Sedan - actor
Rolfe Sedan was born on January 28, 1896 in New York, New York, United States Rolfe Sedan at: Wikipedia.org

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