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Famous celebrities born on March 29th (Today)
Astro-Databank of famous people astro charts

Christopher Lambert (*1957) - 68 years ago actor United States US
Terence Hill (*1939) - 86 years ago actor, director, scriptwriter Italy IT
Eric Idle (*1943) - 82 years ago actor United Kingdom GB
Brendan Gleeson (*1955) - 70 years ago actor Ireland IE
Lucy Lawless (*1968) - 57 years ago singer, actress New Zealand NZ
Vangelis (*1943) - 82 years ago composer, musician Greece GR
Jo Nesbø (*1960) - 65 years ago writer Norway NO
Sam Walton (*1918) - 107 years ago entrepreneur, founder of retail chain Walmart United States US
Pierre Dumont (*1884) - 141 years ago painter France FR
Elle Macpherson (*1963) - 62 years ago actress Australia AU

Famous celebrities born on March 30th (Tomorrow)
Astro-Databank of famous people birth charts

Warren Beatty (*Mar 30, 1937) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Norah Jones (*Mar 30, 1979) singer United States US
Eric Clapton (*Mar 30, 1945) composer, guitarist, singer United Kingdom GB
Céline Dion (*Mar 30, 1968) actress, singer Canada CA
Paul Verlaine (*Mar 30, 1844) poet, novelist France FR
Tracy Chapman (*Mar 30, 1964) singer United States US
Francisco de Goya (*Mar 30, 1746) painter Spain ES
Vincent Van Gogh (*Mar 30, 1853) painter Netherlands NL
Samantha Stosur (*Mar 30, 1984) tennis player Australia AU
Maria Josepha (*Mar 30, 1739) Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Poland Germany DE

Famous celebrities born on March 31st
AstroDatabank of famous people birth charts

Ewan McGregor (*Mar 31, 1971) actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Christopher Walken (*Mar 31, 1943) actor United States US
Richard Chamberlain (*Mar 31, 1934) actor United States US
Alejandro Amenábar (*Mar 31, 1972) composer, director, scriptwriter Chile CL
Al Gore (*Mar 31, 1948) politician, 45th Vice President of the United States United States US
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
(*Mar 31, 1809)
writer Russia RU
Franz Joseph Haydn (*Mar 31, 1732) composer, representative of the classical period in music Austria AT
Carlo Rubbia (*Mar 31, 1934) physicist Italy IT
Johann Sebastian Bach
(*Mar 31, 1685)
composer Germany DE
René Descartes (*Mar 31, 1596) philosopher, mathematician, scientist France FR

Famous people who passed away on March 29th (Today)

Robert Falcon Scott (†1912) - 113 years ago polar explorer United Kingdom GB
Carl Orff (†1982) - 43 years ago composer Germany DE
Georges Seurat (†1891) - 134 years ago painter France FR
Bernard Blier (†1989) - 36 years ago actor Argentina AR
Jean Sarment (†1976) - 49 years ago scriptwriter France FR
John Jacob Astor (†1848) - 177 years ago Germany DE
Charles Valentin Alkan
(†1888) - 137 years ago
composer France FR
Gina Ceaglio (†2003) - 22 years ago astrologer United States US
Enzo Jannaci (†2013) - 12 years ago writer Italy IT
Ralph Klein (†2013) - 12 years ago politician Canada CA
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