Birth Chart of Peter Werner, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Peter Werner - Birth Chart
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
New York, New York
† 76 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 3
Peter Werner - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
17 January 1947 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Peter Werner 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Peter Werner
Date of Birth - Jan 17, 1947
(director, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jan 17, 1947
(director, instagram)
Peter Werner - Filmography - Director (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Limitless (TV series)
Prosecuting Casey Anthony
Grimm (TV series)
Bond of Silence
A Dog Named Christmas
The Circuit
Front of the Class
Raines (TV series)
Girl, Positive
Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy
Mom at Sixteen
Snow Wonder
Vinegar Hill
Amber Frey: Witness for the Prosecution
Gracie's Choice
Killer Instinct: From the Files of Agent Candice DeLong
Boomtown (TV series)
We Were the Mulvaneys
The Pact
For the People (TV series)
Call Me Claus
Grounded for Life (TV series)
Ruby's Bucket of Blood
After Amy
Philly (TV series)
Maybe It's Me (TV series)
The '70s
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (TV series)
Hefner: Unauthorized
Mama Flora's Family
Tempting Fate
On the Edge of Innocence
House of Frankenstein
Blue Rodeo
Two Mothers for Zachary
Nash Bridges (TV series)
The Unspoken Truth
The Four Diamonds
Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story
The Substitute Wife
Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life
The Good Policeman
The Image
Hiroshima: Out of the Ashes
DEA (TV series)
No Man's Land
LBJ: The Early Years
Hooperman (TV series)
A Different World (TV series)
Outlaws (TV series)
Sins of the Father
Moonlighting (TV series)
I Married a Centerfold
Hard Knox
Call to Glory (TV series)
Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder
Barn Burning
Aunt Mary
In the Region of Ice
Family (TV series)
Peter Werner - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The 38th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
Peter Werner 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Peter Werner Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Jan 17 |
1947 births |
2023 deaths |
Chinese Dog |
Life Path 3
Sun in Capricorn + Moon in Sagittarius |
Sun 26° Capricorn |
Mercury 23° Capricorn |
Venus 10° Sagittarius |
Mars 23° Capricorn |
Jupiter 23° Scorpio |
Saturn 6° Leo |
Uranus 18° Gemini |
Neptune 10° Libra |
Pluto 12° Leo |
Saturn Retrograde | Uranus Retrograde | Neptune Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
Third Quarter Phase |
Occupation: Directors
Peter Werner, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Capricorn
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Capricorn
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
Capricorn sign is ruled by the planet Saturn, which gives people born under this sign peace, patience, perseverance and ambition. These people are able to put maximum effort into work they have chosen to do or which they were told to do. -»

Third (Waning) Quarter
Reality check, Revision, Integration, Cleansing
Dog (Fire)
Chinese horoscope
Dog is loner, extremely stubborn and highly suspicious of new acquaintances. People born in the Year of the Dog tend to submerge themselves in completely unimportant matters and details. They are a bit crazy, but their evolved sensibilities and critical spirit help to protect them from the worst. -»
Elm Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
Elm characterises people of very trustworthy appearance and calm manners. Calmness, mental well-being and self-control, all this literally radiates from elm people. They can plan everything very carefully and their deliberation is reflected in a great foresight; they are seldom surprised by something. -»
Life Path - 3
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are mentally alert and have creative minds. They are creative and original, and they have a good imagination. They hate boredom and like to cooperate with others. They are charming and witty. They are critical of others and they should therefore learn how to be more diplomatic. They need to work freely and without restraints. -»
Birthday 17th - Capability
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are strong and courageous. They are sensitive and ambitious. They are very observant. They are efficient, quick-witted and hardworking. They have leadership skills. Romantic relationship is very important for them. They are social. -»
Peter Werner 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Peter Werner - director
Peter Werner was born on January 17, 1947 in New York, New York, United States Peter Werner at: Wikipedia.org

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