Birth Chart of Peter Horton, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Peter Horton - Birth Chart (Peter William Horton)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Bellevue, Washington
71 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 1
director, actor
Peter Horton - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
20 August 1953 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Peter Horton 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Peter Horton
Date of Birth - Aug 20, 1953
(director, actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Aug 20, 1953
(director, actor, instagram)
Peter Horton - Filmography - Director (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Odyssey (TV series)
Ironside (TV series)
Infamous (TV series)
True Blue
Grey's Anatomy (TV series)
The Shield (TV series)
Once and Again (TV series)
Gun (TV series)
The Cure
Birdland (TV series)
Class of '96 (TV series)
Extreme Close-Up
The Wonder Years (TV series)
thirtysomething (TV series)
Amazon Women on the Moon
ABC Afterschool Specials (TV series)
Peter Horton - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Life Unexpected (TV series)
In Treatment (TV series)
Who Killed the Electric Car?
While I Was Gone
Capital City
The Dust Factory
Karen Sisco (TV series)
The Geena Davis Show (TV series)
From the Earth to the Moon (TV series)
T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous
Brimstone (TV series)
Gun (TV series)
Murder Live!
Into Thin Air: Death on Everest
The End of Violence
Crazy Horse
2 Days in the Valley
Death Benefit
The Baby-Sitters Club
The Gift
Children of the Dark
Class of '96 (TV series)
Side Out
thirtysomething (TV series)
Amazon Women on the Moon
Where the River Runs Black
Children of the Corn
Choices of the Heart
Sawyer and Finn
Split Image
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (TV series)
Miracle on Ice
Fade to Black
She's Dressed to Kill
Peter Horton - Filmography - Screenplay (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Odyssey (TV series)
Peter Horton - Family and Partner relationships
(*1958) Michelle Pfeiffer - wife (click for synastry)
Other partner relationships:
(*1956) Linda Hamilton
(click for synastry)
Peter Horton 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Peter Horton Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Aug 20 |
1953 births |
Chinese Snake |
Life Path 1
Sun in Leo + Moon in Capricorn |
Sun 27° Leo |
Mercury 11° Leo |
Venus 19° Cancer |
Mars 14° Leo |
Jupiter 21° Gemini |
Saturn 23° Libra |
Uranus 21° Cancer |
Neptune 21° Libra |
Pluto 23° Leo |
First Quarter Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors | Occupation: Directors | Occupation: Producers
Peter Horton, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Leo
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Leo
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
Leo gives people who were born under this sign healthy self-esteem and natural authority. They have the power to dominate and control others, but they are generous and friendly. -»

First (Waxing) Quarter Moon
Change, Action, Seize the day, Expression, Growth
Snake (Water)
Chinese horoscope
In most countries of the world Snake has a very bad reputation. On the other hand, in the countries of Asia, Snakes are prized, and much appreciated for their wisdom and sagacity. A man born in this sign is sensitive and full of humor. A woman is pretty, and often makes her way through life using her gift of attractive beauty. -»
Larch Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Larch usually give us the impression of self-confident and determined people. They love to impress other people and they are dominant. They play an important role not only in the workplace but also in society and in their family. They have a creative spirit, fantasy, and unusual ideas. -»
Life Path - 1
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people like to be leaders. They have courage and inspiration, and they are active and creative. They give priority to individual success and have the ability to use their initiative and determination to succeed. They should devote more time to other people. It is good to praise them. -»
Birthday 20th - Intuition
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are sensitive, loyal and kind. their partner is very important to them. Love relationship plays an important role. They are patient. They need love and tenderness. They seek harmony. -»
Peter Horton 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Peter Horton - director, actor
Peter Horton was born on August 20, 1953 in Bellevue, Washington, United States Peter Horton at: Wikipedia.org

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