Birth Chart of Paul Porcasi, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Paul Porcasi - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
1 January 1879 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Paul Porcasi 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Paul Porcasi
Date of Birth - Jan 1, 1879
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jan 1, 1879
(actor, instagram)
Paul Porcasi - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
I'll Remember April
Swing Hostess
Nothing But Trouble
Hot Rhythm
Hail the Conquering Hero
An American Romance
The Unknown Guest
Melody Parade
Diamonds and Crime
Background to Danger
Star Spangled Rhythm
Quiet Please: Murder
It Started with Eve
Two in a Taxi
The Trial of Mary Dugan
Road to Zanzibar
Road to Happiness
Rags to Riches
Doctors Don't Tell
Torrid Zone
Moon Over Burma
I Was an Adventuress
Dr. Kildare's Strange Case
Brother Orchid
The Border Legion
Argentine Nights
Lady of the Tropics
Everything Happens at Night
Vacation from Love
Topper Takes a Trip
I'll Give a Million
Crime School
Bulldog Drummond in Africa
The Emperor's Candlesticks
The Bride Wore Red
That I May Live
Seventh Heaven
Madame X
Cafe Metropole
Big Town Girl
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
Two in a Crowd
Trouble for Two
The Leathernecks Have Landed
The Lady Consents
Muss 'em Up
Down to the Sea
Crash Donovan
Waterfront Lady
Under the Pampas Moon
Stars Over Broadway
The Pay-Off
I Dream Too Much
Charlie Chan in Egypt
Hi, Gaucho!
Go Into Your Dance
The Florentine Dagger
Enter Madame
Broadway Gondolier
Baby Face Harrington
A Night at the Ritz
Wake Up and Dream
The Gay Divorcee
The Great Flirtation
The Cat and the Fiddle
Tarzan and His Mate
Million Dollar Baby
Looking for Trouble
La Cucaracha
Imitation of Life
His Greatest Gamble
Coming-Out Party
British Agent
Terror Aboard
The Secret of Madame Blanche
Saturday's Millions
Roman Scandals
Reunion in Vienna
By Candlelight
When Strangers Marry
No Marriage Ties
Flying Down to Rio
King Kong
I Loved a Woman
Hell Below
He Couldn't Take It
Havana Widows
Grand Slam
Gigolettes of Paris
Footlight Parade
The Devil's Mate
The Devil's in Love
Caliente Love
Big Time or Bust
The Woman from Monte Carlo
While Paris Sleeps
Under-Cover Man
The Painted Woman
The Man Who Played God
The Kid from Spain
A Farewell to Arms
The Red-Haired Alibi
The Passionate Plumber
A Parisian Romance
New Morals for Old
Men Are Such Fools
Devil and the Deep
The Death Kiss
A Woman Commands
Under 18
The Good Bad Girl
The Criminal Code
Smart Money
El Pasado acusa
Party Husband
Luigi La Volpe
Jenny Lind
Children of Dreams
Gentleman's Fate
Doctors' Wives
The Three Sisters
Murder on the Roof
Such Men Are Dangerous
Born Reckless
A Lady's Morals
Say It Again
The Fall of the Romanoffs
Paul Porcasi 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Paul Porcasi Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Jan 1 |
1879 births |
1946 deaths |
Life Path 9
Sun in Capricorn + Moon in Aries |
Sun 10° Capricorn |
Mercury 27° Sagittarius |
Venus 17° Capricorn |
Mars 5° Sagittarius |
Jupiter 10° Aquarius |
Saturn 27° Pisces |
Uranus 4° Virgo |
Neptune 7° Taurus |
Pluto 24° Taurus |
Mercury Retrograde | Uranus Retrograde | Neptune Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
First Quarter Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Paul Porcasi, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Capricorn
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Capricorn
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
Capricorn sign is ruled by the planet Saturn, which gives people born under this sign peace, patience, perseverance and ambition. These people are able to put maximum effort into work they have chosen to do or which they were told to do. -»

First (Waxing) Quarter Moon
Change, Action, Seize the day, Expression, Growth
Apple Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Apple tree are usually pleasant, and have a special charisma. When dealing with others they are usually warm and generous. They are contemplative and willing to embark on any adventure. -»
Life Path - 9
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are idealistic. They have an idealistic approach towards themselves and towards their surroundings. They will go on a journey that will help them gain experience and meet important people. They have a high level of mental energy and they are be able to handle all the difficulties and challenges. -»
Birthday 1st - Independence
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are independent and capable of deep love. They are able to make their own decisions. They are forgiving, respectable, accurate and honest. They are straightforward and can express themselves clearly. They like modern things and they introduce them with flexibility. They can think creatively and they use creativity to promote their objectives and to search for new possibilities. They are positive and smart. -»
Paul Porcasi 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Paul Porcasi - actor
Paul Porcasi was born on January 1, 1879 in Palermo Paul Porcasi at: Wikipedia.org

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