Birth Chart of Patton Oswalt, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Patton Oswalt - Birth Chart
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Portsmouth, Virginia
56 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 8
Patton Oswalt - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
27 January 1969 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Patton Oswalt 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Patton Oswalt
Date of Birth - Jan 27, 1969
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jan 27, 1969
(actor, instagram)
Patton Oswalt - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The Confirmation
The Circle
Funny or Die Presents: Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie
Welcome to Bridgetown
Call Me Lucky
We Bare Bears (TV series)
The Loneliest Stoplight
Space Cop
Freaks of Nature
Dude Bro Party Massacre III
The 2014 Film Independent Spirit Awards
Patton Oswalt: Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time
Marvel: 75 Years, From Pulp to Pop!
22 Jump Street
Jason Nash Is Married
BoJack Horseman (TV series)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Mighty Med (TV series)
Odd Thomas
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV series)
Axe Cop (TV series)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV series)
The 17th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards
The Bitter Buddha
The Brotherhood of the Traveling Rants
Nature Calls
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Talking Dead
Young Adult
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas
Next Time on Lonny (TV series)
The Heart, She Holler (TV series)
Blood Into Wine
Beautiful Darling
Raising Hope (TV series)
Robotomy (TV series)
Neighbors from Hell (TV series)
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
Patton Oswalt: My Weakness Is Strong
Community (TV series)
Bored to Death (TV series)
Observe and Report
United States of Tara (TV series)
Modern Family (TV series)
The Informant!
Glenn Martin DDS (TV series)
Dollhouse (TV series)
Caprica (TV series)
Big Fan
All Roads Lead Home
Super High Me
WordGirl (TV series)
Your Friend the Rat
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! (TV series)
Balls of Fury
The Sarah Silverman Program. (TV series)
Reno 911!: Miami
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End
Human Giant (TV series)
Flight of the Conchords (TV series)
Reaper (TV series)
Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner
Failure to Launch
Clark and Michael (TV series)
The Amazing Screw-On Head
Attack of the Show!
The Comedians of Comedy
Cake Boy
American Dad! (TV series)
Tom Goes to the Mayor (TV series)
Starsky & Hutch
See This Movie
Patton Oswalt: No Reason to Complain
Cheap Seats: Without Ron Parker (TV series)
Blade: Trinity
The Batman (TV series)
The Venture Bros. (TV series)
Reno 911! (TV series)
Calendar Girls
Two and a Half Men (TV series)
Crank Yankers (TV series)
Kim Possible (TV series)
Run Ronnie Run
The Fairly OddParents (TV series)
Super Nerds
Static Shock (TV series)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (TV series)
The Man Show
SpongeBob SquarePants (TV series)
Man on the Moon
Desperate But Not Serious
Home Movies (TV series)
Futurama (TV series)
Batman Beyond (TV series)
Hollywood Squares
Comedy Central Presents
The King of Queens (TV series)
The Weird Al Show (TV series)
Make Me Laugh (TV series)
Down Periscope
Mr. Show
Mad TV
NewsRadio (TV series)
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (TV series)
Seinfeld (TV series)
Patton Oswalt 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Patton Oswalt Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
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Birthday Jan 27 |
1969 births |
Chinese Monkey |
Life Path 8
Sun in Aquarius + Moon in Gemini |
Sun 7° Aquarius |
Mercury 11° Aquarius |
Venus 24° Pisces |
Mars 15° Scorpio |
Jupiter 5° Libra |
Saturn 19° Aries |
Uranus 3° Libra |
Neptune 28° Scorpio |
Pluto 24° Virgo |
Mercury Retrograde | Jupiter Retrograde | Uranus Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
First Quarter Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Patton Oswalt, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Aquarius
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Aquarius
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Aquarius are influenced by two different planets. Saturn gives them peace of mind, concentration and persistence, while Uranus is responsible for their restlessness, originality and short temper. -»

First (Waxing) Quarter Moon
Change, Action, Seize the day, Expression, Growth
Monkey (Earth)
Chinese horoscope
Monkey is a wily trickster, and is often hilarious. Monkeys are deceitful, but companionable and give the impression that they can get along with all the other animals. It is, however, only one of their tactics, since behind their appearance they hide only their own financial goals. -»
Cypress Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Cypress are tolerant, resourceful and faithful. However, they are also quite lazy and inclined to oppress the weak in their surroundings. They have the ability to endure the adversity of fate, which does not break them; on contrary, they learn from the experience. -»
Life Path - 8
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are ambitious and have a desire for power and money. Risky journeys will bring them success. The problem is sometimes a lack of courage, endurance and mental balance. They have good management and organizational skills. They are tough and persistent, but also conservative. -»
Birthday 27th - Dutifulness
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are sensitive, emotional and intuitive. They are honest, pragmatic and conservative. They are not subject to new trends. They avoid shallow relationships. Romantic relationship is very important for them. They are enterprising. -»
Patton Oswalt 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Patton Oswalt - actor
Patton Oswalt was born on January 27, 1969 in Portsmouth, Virginia, United States Patton Oswalt at: Wikipedia.org

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