Birth Chart of Omero Capanna, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth
Omero Capanna - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
4 April 1942 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Omero Capanna 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Omero Capanna
Date of Birth - Apr 4, 1942
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Apr 4, 1942
(actor, instagram)
Omero Capanna - Filmography - Actor (
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Gaston Leroux's The Wax Mask
Fatal frames: Fotogrammi mortali
L'uomo delle stelle
La Ragazza del metrò
Il Professore - Fanciulla che ride
Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone
Hanna D.: The Girl from Vondel Park
Emanuelle in Prison
Al bar dello sport
L' Uomo puma
Zombie 2
Piedone l'africano
Deadly Chase
Lo chiamavano Bulldozer
War in Space
To Be Twenty
Weapons of Death
Il Mostro
Il Soldato di ventura
Il Grande racket
Fear in the City
Young, Violent, Dangerous
A Special Cop in Action
White Fang and the Hunter
Super Stooges Vs. The Wonder Women
Piedone a Hong Kong
Roma violenta
In nome del padre, del figlio e della Colt
Savage Three
Loaded Guns
White Fang to the Rescue
Italian Graffiti
Cry of a Prostitute
Naked Fists
Shoot First, Die Later
Carambola, filotto... tutti in buca
...Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo
L'Eredità dello zio buonanima
The Magnificent Dare Devil
Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli
Piedone lo sbirro
Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza?
Ku Fu? Dalla Sicilia con furore
...E il terzo giorno arrivò il corvo
The Black Hand
The Counsellor
Il Boss
Life Is Tough, Eh Providence?
Seminò la morte... lo chiamavano Castigo di Dio
E poi lo chiamarono il magnifico
Milano calibro 9
Kill the Poker Player
Bada alla tua pelle, spirito santo!
Animale chiamato uomo, Un
The Sicilian Connection
Detenuto in attesa di giudizio
Uomo chiamato Apocalisse Joe, Un
Three Giants of the Roman Empire
Brother Outlaw
Acquasanta Joe
Chiamavano Trinità, Lo
Il Pistolero dell'Ave Maria
Dio perdoni la mia pistola
Esercito di 5 uomini, Un
La Vendetta è il mio perdono
Shoot, Gringo... Shoot!
...e venne il tempo di uccidere
A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof
Donne... botte e bersaglieri
Preparati la bara!
Day of Anger
Il Bello, il brutto, il cretino
Due mafiosi, I
Il Segno di Zorro
The Wonders of Aladdin
Omero Capanna 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Omero Capanna Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
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Birthday Apr 4 |
1942 births |
2003 deaths |
Chinese Horse |
Life Path 6
Sun in Aries + Moon in Scorpio |
Sun 13° Aries |
Mercury 28° Pisces |
Venus 28° Aquarius |
Mars 16° Gemini |
Jupiter 16° Gemini |
Saturn 25° Taurus |
Uranus 27° Taurus |
Neptune 28° Virgo |
Pluto 3° Leo |
Neptune Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
Full Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Omero Capanna, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Aries
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Aries
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
The ruler of Aries is the planet Mars, which symbolizes energy, health, fighting spirit and leadership skills. People born under this sign are courageous and decisive in most situations in life. -»
Full Moon
Culmination, Fulfillment, Illumination, Realization, Experience
Horse (Water)
Chinese horoscope
Horse has good taste, and overall is very versatile. People born in the Year of the Horse love grand shows, concerts, social and sports events. As on the horse race, so in life they easily conquer most of the barriers or skillfully and stealthily bypass those. The Horses are irresistible and easily gain followers and admirers. -»
Rowan Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of the Rowan are usually gentle and subtle, or at least they give us this impression. These people have a gentle and fragile appearance, but inside they are strong and determined people who can defend themselves against anything bad that await them. Rowan people have a good taste and they are often blessed with artistic talents. They give us the impression of closed people who do not like to be the centre of attention and who try to avoid big social events. -»
Life Path - 6
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people will have to make choices very often and it is necessary to make the right decisions in the face of emerging opportunities. Romantic relationship, family and home are the foundations for success. They like helping others. -»
Birthday 4th - Mental balance
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are practical and balanced. They like routine. They are decisive. They have good organizational skills. They are reliable and compassionate. They are warm, generous and loyal to people they like. They are systematic and patient. -»
Omero Capanna 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Omero Capanna - actor
Omero Capanna was born on April 4, 1942 in Rome Omero Capanna at: | | Astrotheme.comFamous people born on
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Omero Capanna
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