Birth Chart of Michael Powell, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Michael Powell - Birth Chart (Michael Latham Powell)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Bekesbourne, Kent
† 84 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 9
director, actor
Michael Powell - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
30 September 1905 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Michael Powell 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Michael Powell
Date of Birth - Sep 30, 1905
(director, actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Sep 30, 1905
(director, actor, instagram)
Michael Powell - Filmography - Director (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Return to the Edge of the World
The Boy Who Turned Yellow
Age of Consent
They're a Weird Mob
Herzog Blaubarts Burg
Espionage (TV series)
The Doctors and the Nurses (TV series)
The Defenders (TV series)
The Queen's Guards
Peeping Tom
Ill Met by Moonlight
The Battle of the River Plate
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Oh... Rosalinda!!
The Wild Heart
The Tales of Hoffmann
The Elusive Pimpernel
Gone to Earth
The Small Back Room
The Red Shoes
Black Narcissus
A Matter of Life and Death
I Know Where I'm Going!
A Canterbury Tale
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
The Volunteer
One of Our Aircraft Is Missing
An Airman's Letter to His Mother
The Invaders
The Thief of Bagdad
The Lion Has Wings
U-Boat 29
The Edge of the World
The Man Behind the Mask
Her Last Affaire
Crown Vs. Stevens
The Brown Wallet
The Price of a Song
The Phantom Light
The Night of the Party
The Love Test
The Girl in the Crowd
Something Always Happens
The Fire Raisers
Born Lucky
The Star Reporter
The Rasp
My Friend the King
Hotel Splendide
His Lordship
Two Crowded Hours
Riviera Revels
Michael Powell - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The Story of Film: An Odyssey (TV series)
The Engagement Ring
A Very British Psycho
Cinéaste de notre temps: The Scorsese Machine
New York Stories
Writers in Conversation: Michael Powell
Tears, Laughter, Fear and Rage: Tears
Tears, Laughter, Fear and Rage: Rage
Punaiset kengät Sodankylässä
At the Cinema Palace: Liam O'Leary
Return to the Edge of the World
Que la fête commence...
The Story of Making the Film They're a Weird Mob
Peeping Tom
The Volunteer
One of Our Aircraft Is Missing
An Airman's Letter to His Mother
The Edge of the World
The Fire Raisers
Hotel Splendide
The Compulsory Husband
Riviera Revels
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 9: Cold Feats
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 6
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 2: A Nasty Jar1
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 12: That Son of a Sheik
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 11: Scents and Nonsense
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 10: Fauny Business
Riviera Revels - Travelaugh No. 1
The Garden of Allah
Camels to Cannibal
The Magician
Michael Powell - Partner relationships
Michael Powell 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Michael Powell Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Sep 30 |
1905 births |
1990 deaths |
Chinese Snake |
Life Path 9
Sun in Libra + Moon in Libra |
Sun 6° Libra |
Mercury 27° Virgo |
Venus 4° Virgo |
Mars 24° Sagittarius |
Jupiter 6° Gemini |
Saturn 26° Aquarius |
Uranus 0° Capricorn |
Neptune 10° Cancer |
Pluto 22° Gemini |
Jupiter Retrograde | Saturn Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
New Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors | Occupation: Directors
Michael Powell, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Libra
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Libra
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
Perhaps to make their sign happy, people born under the sign of Libra are usually prudent, balanced and harmonious. In any case, they think before they do something. It is possible to find hot-headed individuals among Libras, but they are very rare exceptions. -»

New Moon
Birth, Beginning, Clarity
Snake (Wood)
Chinese horoscope
In most countries of the world Snake has a very bad reputation. On the other hand, in the countries of Asia, Snakes are prized, and much appreciated for their wisdom and sagacity. A man born in this sign is sensitive and full of humor. A woman is pretty, and often makes her way through life using her gift of attractive beauty. -»
Hazel Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
They are quiet, discreet, they never draw attention on them, they do not raise their voice and very often you do not notice when they are around. Nevertheless, the saying "Still waters run deep" describes them well. -»
Life Path - 9
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are idealistic. They have an idealistic approach towards themselves and towards their surroundings. They will go on a journey that will help them gain experience and meet important people. They have a high level of mental energy and they are be able to handle all the difficulties and challenges. -»
Birthday 30th - Vigour
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people have great creative imagination and a brilliant mind. They first think about the problem and then makes a decision. They have radical views on life. They are inventive. They are charming. -»
Michael Powell 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Michael Powell - director, actor
Michael Powell was born on September 30, 1905 in Bekesbourne, Kent, United Kingdom Michael Powell at: Wikipedia.org

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