Birth Chart of Marc Alaimo, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Marc Alaimo - Birth Chart (Michael Anthony Alaimo)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
82 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 8
Marc Alaimo - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
5 May 1942 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Marc Alaimo 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Marc Alaimo
Date of Birth - May 5, 1942
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - May 5, 1942
(actor, instagram)
Marc Alaimo - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Family Guy (TV series)
The Fence
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV series)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Emissary
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV series)
Rio Diablo
Donato and Daughter
Diagnosis Murder (TV series)
Overkill: The Aileen Wuornos Story
Quicksand: No Escape
Total Recall
Nasty Boys (TV series)
Tango & Cash
Quantum Leap (TV series)
Case Closed
The Dead Pool
Guns of Paradise (TV series)
Freddy's Nightmares (TV series)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV series)
Police Story: The Freeway Killings
Kenny Rogers as The Gambler, Part III: The Legend Continues
21 Jump Street (TV series)
Predator: The Concert
Avenging Force
Street Hawk (TV series)
Our Family Honor (TV series)
Command 5
The Last Starfighter
No Man's Land
Mike Hammer (TV series)
Master Ninja (TV series)
Jessie (TV series)
Hunter (TV series)
Scarecrow and Mrs. King (TV series)
Hardcastle and McCormick (TV series)
The A-Team (TV series)
T.J. Hooker (TV series)
Knight Rider (TV series)
Cagney & Lacey (TV series)
The Ambush Murders
The Fall Guy (TV series)
Hill Street Blues (TV series)
The Phoenix (TV series)
Broken Promise
McClain's Law (TV series)
The Greatest American Hero (TV series)
The Archer: Fugitive from the Empire
Seems Like Old Times
High Midnight
The Great Ride
The Incredible Hulk (TV series)
Kaz (TV series)
Mean Dog Blues
B.J. and the Bear (TV series)
The American Girls (TV series)
The 3,000 Mile Chase
Which Way Is Up?
Kingston: Confidential (TV series)
CHiPs (TV series)
Hunter (TV series)
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (TV series)
The Bionic Woman (TV series)
Quincy M.E. (TV series)
A Matter of Wife... and Death
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (TV series)
Charlie's Angels (TV series)
Massacre in Hollywood
Decision for Doom
Wonder Woman (TV series)
Starsky and Hutch (TV series)
Detektiv Matt Helm
Cage Without a Key
The Blue Knight (TV series)
The Blue Knight
Baretta (TV series)
The Six Million Dollar Man (TV series)
The Rockford Files (TV series)
Get Christie Love (TV series)
Apple's Way (TV series)
Toma (TV series)
Police Story (TV series)
Inspektor Kojak (TV series)
Barnaby Jones (TV series)
Another World: Somerset (TV series)
Gunsmoke (TV series)
Marc Alaimo 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Marc Alaimo Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday May 5 |
1942 births |
Chinese Horse |
Life Path 8
Sun in Taurus + Moon in Capricorn |
Sun 14° Taurus |
Mercury 0° Gemini |
Venus 29° Pisces |
Mars 5° Cancer |
Jupiter 22° Gemini |
Saturn 29° Taurus |
Uranus 29° Taurus |
Neptune 27° Virgo |
Pluto 3° Leo |
Neptune Retrograde |
Disseminating Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Marc Alaimo, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Taurus
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Taurus
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
The sign of Taurus gives people who were born under it calm and patient nature, and a sense of appreciation for beautiful and pleasant things in life. People born under the sign of Taurus are often quite introverted and they like to keep their distance, even from their best friends. -»

Disseminating (Waning Gibbous) Moon
Scattering seeds, Distribution, Teach, Sharing and Introspection
Horse (Water)
Chinese horoscope
Horse has good taste, and overall is very versatile. People born in the Year of the Horse love grand shows, concerts, social and sports events. As on the horse race, so in life they easily conquer most of the barriers or skillfully and stealthily bypass those. The Horses are irresistible and easily gain followers and admirers. -»
Poplar Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
Person who was born under the rule of Poplar learns fast and understands quickly. Just like Poplars, people born during the time of their rule are direct and straightforward. They often have artistic talents and a sense for beauty. -»
Life Path - 8
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are ambitious and have a desire for power and money. Risky journeys will bring them success. The problem is sometimes a lack of courage, endurance and mental balance. They have good management and organizational skills. They are tough and persistent, but also conservative. -»
Birthday 5th - Perception
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are open, daring, energetic and principled. They like to be their own boss. They are perceptive. They like progress and need space for their activities. They like changes and nothing is fixed for them. They have almost magnetic influence on people, they are charming. -»
Marc Alaimo 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Marc Alaimo - actor
Marc Alaimo was born on May 5, 1942 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States Marc Alaimo at: Wikipedia.org

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