Birth Chart of Junya Sato, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Junya Sato - Birth Chart (Jun'ya Satô)
- Sun:
- Life Path: 5
Junya Sato - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
6 November 1932 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Junya Sato 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Junya Sato
Date of Birth - Nov 6, 1932
(director, instagram)
Date of Birth - Nov 6, 1932
(director, instagram)
Junya Sato - Filmography - Director (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The Sakuradamon Incident
Otoko-tachi no Yamato
Peking Man
Chonoryokusha michi eno tabibito
Watashi o daite soshite kisu shite
Uemura Naomi monogatari
Theatre of Life
The Go Masters
Haru kanaru sôro
Never Give Up
Ningen no shômei
Kimi yo funme no kawa o watare
Shinkansen daibakuha
Rupangu-to no ritsugun Nakano gakko
Jitsuroku: Shisetsu Ginza keisatsu
The Ando File
Golgo 13
Yakuza tokôsô: Jitsuroku Andô-gumi
Gang vs. Gang: The Red and Black Blues
Boryokudan sai buso
Bakuto kirikomi-tai
Saigo no tokkôtai
Nippon dabi katsukyu
Tabi ni deta gokudo
Soshiki boryoku: kyodai sakazuki
Nihon boryoku-dan: kumicho to shikaku
The Drifting Avenger
Zoku soshiki bôryoku
Soshiki bôryoku
Kuruwa sodachi
Zoku ôsho
Rikugun zangyaku monogatari
Junya Sato - Filmography - Screenplay (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The Sakuradamon Incident
Otoko-tachi no Yamato
Uemura Naomi monogatari
Theatre of Life
Shinkansen daibakuha
Gang vs. Gang: The Red and Black Blues
Bakuto kirikomi-tai
Nippon dabi katsukyu
Nihon boryoku-dan: kumicho to shikaku
Mahō tsukai Sally (TV series)
Wolves, Pigs & Men
Junya Sato 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Junya Sato Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Nov 6 |
1932 births |
2019 deaths |
Chinese Monkey |
Life Path 5
Sun in Scorpio + Moon in Aquarius |
Sun 13° Scorpio |
Mercury 4° Sagittarius |
Venus 4° Libra |
Mars 26° Leo |
Jupiter 17° Virgo |
Saturn 29° Capricorn |
Uranus 20° Aries |
Neptune 9° Virgo |
Pluto 23° Cancer |
Uranus Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
First Quarter Moon Phase |
Occupation: Directors
Junya Sato, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Scorpio
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Scorpio
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Scorpio can think very clearly, they have a good judgement and can assess situations very well. They also have a good memory and a very creative mind, which is characterised by its originality. -»

First (Waxing) Quarter Moon
Change, Action, Seize the day, Expression, Growth
Monkey (Water)
Chinese horoscope
Monkey is a wily trickster, and is often hilarious. Monkeys are deceitful, but companionable and give the impression that they can get along with all the other animals. It is, however, only one of their tactics, since behind their appearance they hide only their own financial goals. -»
Poplar Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
Person who was born under the rule of Poplar learns fast and understands quickly. Just like Poplars, people born during the time of their rule are direct and straightforward. They often have artistic talents and a sense for beauty. -»
Life Path - 5
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people need movement and change, and they like to travel. They search for freedom and adventure. They are open to new things and ideas. They have an inclination for leadership. They are ambitious but they are also very sensitive and avoid routine and boredom. -»
Birthday 6th - Harmony
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people need love and warmth of home. They do everything to achieve harmony. They seek a partner for the whole life. They are kind, sensitive, considerate, and ingenuous. They love their family and other people. They live ordinary married life. -»
Junya Sato 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Junya Sato - director
Junya Sato was born on November 6, 1932 in Tokyo Junya Sato at: Wikipedia.org

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