Birth Chart of James Morrison, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

James Morrison - Birth Chart
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Bountiful, Utah
70 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 8
actor, director
James Morrison - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
21 April 1954 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(James Morrison 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
James Morrison
Date of Birth - Apr 21, 1954
(actor, director, instagram)
Date of Birth - Apr 21, 1954
(actor, director, instagram)
James Morrison - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Doubting Thomas
The Switch
L'appel du Vide
Those Who Kill (TV series)
The Jazz Funeral
I Am I
Blue (TV series)
Revenge (TV series)
Raspberry Magic
Hawthorne (TV series)
Eli Stone (TV series)
Private Practice (TV series)
The Key
Numb3rs (TV series)
Point Pleasant (TV series)
American Gun
Wilderness Survival for Girls
Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show
10-8: Officers on Duty (TV series)
Cold Case (TV series)
Navy NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (TV series)
CSI: Miami (TV series)
Catch Me If You Can
24 (TV series)
The Division (TV series)
Six Feet Under (TV series)
The One
The Others (TV series)
Freedom (TV series)
The West Wing (TV series)
The Wonder Cabinet
Shadow of Doubt
Seven Days (TV series)
Prey (TV series)
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (TV series)
Brooklyn South (TV series)
Profiler (TV series)
Millennium (TV series)
Nash Bridges (TV series)
White Dwarf
Space: Above and Beyond
Space: Above and Beyond (TV series)
The Marshal (TV series)
JAG (TV series)
Without Warning
Where Are My Children?
Desert Cross
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV series)
Falling Down
Frasier (TV series)
Diagnosis Murder (TV series)
The X Files (TV series)
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Bob (TV series)
Good Cops, Bad Cops
Last Flight Out
An Enemy of the People
Capital News (TV series)
Quantum Leap (TV series)
Doogie Howser, M.D. (TV series)
Monsters (TV series)
Werewolf (TV series)
Unfinished Business
Houston Knights (TV series)
North and South, Book II (TV series)
L.A. Law (TV series)
Larry King Live
Fatal Vision
Automan (TV series)
James Morrison 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
James Morrison Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
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Birthday Apr 21 |
1954 births |
Chinese Horse |
Life Path 8
Sun in Taurus + Moon in Sagittarius |
Sun 1° Taurus |
Mercury 13° Aries |
Venus 21° Taurus |
Mars 3° Capricorn |
Jupiter 23° Gemini |
Saturn 6° Scorpio |
Uranus 19° Cancer |
Neptune 24° Libra |
Pluto 22° Leo |
Saturn Retrograde | Neptune Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
Full Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors | Occupation: Directors
James Morrison, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Taurus
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Taurus
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
The sign of Taurus gives people who were born under it calm and patient nature, and a sense of appreciation for beautiful and pleasant things in life. People born under the sign of Taurus are often quite introverted and they like to keep their distance, even from their best friends. -»

Full Moon
Culmination, Fulfillment, Illumination, Realization, Experience
Horse (Wood)
Chinese horoscope
Horse has good taste, and overall is very versatile. People born in the Year of the Horse love grand shows, concerts, social and sports events. As on the horse race, so in life they easily conquer most of the barriers or skillfully and stealthily bypass those. The Horses are irresistible and easily gain followers and admirers. -»
Walnut Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Walnut are just as hard and tough as the tree. They usually have great ambitions and can pursue their goals with persistence. They have a perfect sense for strategy, and thanks to their intelligence they can invent and implement plans that other people do not even dare to dream about. But they lack adaptability, and they make mistakes when they need to improvise. -»
Life Path - 8
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are ambitious and have a desire for power and money. Risky journeys will bring them success. The problem is sometimes a lack of courage, endurance and mental balance. They have good management and organizational skills. They are tough and persistent, but also conservative. -»
Birthday 21st - Sympathy
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people have a great potential. They are sensitive, kind and tolerant. They try to understand others. They are creative and able to do a wide range of activities. They are social and diplomatic. -»
James Morrison 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
James Morrison - actor, director
James Morrison was born on April 21, 1954 in Bountiful, Utah, United States James Morrison at: Wikipedia.org

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