Birth Chart of Eric Dane, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Eric Dane - Birth Chart (Eric William Dane)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
San Francisco, California
52 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 3
Eric Dane - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
9 November 1972 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Eric Dane 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Eric Dane
Date of Birth - Nov 9, 1972
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Nov 9, 1972
(actor, instagram)
Eric Dane - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
The 21st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
The Last Ship (TV series)
Valentine's Day
Marley & Me
Grey's Anatomy: Every Moment Counts
Come Rain or Come Shine: From Grey's Anatomy to Private Practice
X-Men: The Last Stand
Wedding Wars
Open Water 2: Adrift
Neporazitelná Jane
Grey's Anatomy (TV series)
Helter Skelter
Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Sol Goode
Las Vegas (TV series)
The American Embassy (TV series)
Ball & Chain
Gideon's Crossing (TV series)
Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane (TV series)
The Basket
Charmed (TV series)
Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story
Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story
Silk Stalkings (TV series)
Saved by the Bell (TV series)
Roseanne (TV series)
The Wonder Years (TV series)
Married with Children (TV series)
Entertainment Tonight
Eric Dane - Family and Partner relationships
(*1971) Rebecca Gayheart - wife (click for synastry)
Other partner relationships:
(*1972) Alyssa Milano
(click for synastry)
(*1970) Lara Flynn Boyle
(click for synastry)
Eric Dane 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Eric Dane Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Nov 9 |
1972 births |
Chinese Rat |
Life Path 3
Sun in Scorpio + Moon in Sagittarius |
Sun 17° Scorpio |
Mercury 10° Sagittarius |
Venus 11° Libra |
Mars 25° Libra |
Jupiter 6° Capricorn |
Saturn 19° Gemini |
Uranus 20° Libra |
Neptune 4° Sagittarius |
Pluto 3° Libra |
Saturn Retrograde |
New Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Eric Dane, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Scorpio
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Scorpio
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Scorpio can think very clearly, they have a good judgement and can assess situations very well. They also have a good memory and a very creative mind, which is characterised by its originality. -»

New Moon
Birth, Beginning, Clarity
Poplar Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
Person who was born under the rule of Poplar learns fast and understands quickly. Just like Poplars, people born during the time of their rule are direct and straightforward. They often have artistic talents and a sense for beauty. -»
Life Path - 3
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are mentally alert and have creative minds. They are creative and original, and they have a good imagination. They hate boredom and like to cooperate with others. They are charming and witty. They are critical of others and they should therefore learn how to be more diplomatic. They need to work freely and without restraints. -»
Birthday 9th - Deliberation
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are very sensitive and reliable. They will tell the truth only after they think about it carefully. They have the ability to accept themselves for who they are. They want to be a rescuer. -»
Eric Dane 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Eric Dane - actor
Eric Dane was born on November 9, 1972 in San Francisco, California, United States Eric Dane at: Wikipedia.org

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