Birth Chart of Don Calfa, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Don Calfa - Birth Chart (Donald George Calfa)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
New York, New York
† 76 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 1
Don Calfa - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
3 December 1939 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Don Calfa 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Don Calfa
Date of Birth - Dec 3, 1939
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Dec 3, 1939
(actor, instagram)
Don Calfa - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead
The Bionic Woman (TV series)
Switching: An Interactive Movie.
Night Creep
Corpses Are Forever
The 4th Tenor
Less Than Perfect (TV series)
The Man Who Wasn't There
Downward Angel
Doctor Dolittle
Svengoolie (TV series)
Cops n Roberts
Columbo: Strange Bedfellows
Boy Meets World (TV series)
Me, Myself and I
Stay Tuned
Twin Peaks (TV series)
Beverly Hills, 90210 (TV series)
Weekend at Bernie's
Mancuso, FBI (TV series)
Doogie Howser, M.D. (TV series)
The Presidio
Treasure of the Moon Goddess
Talking Walls
Houston Knights (TV series)
Private Eye
Throb (TV series)
Running Scared
Matlock (TV series)
Our Family Honor (TV series)
Amazing Stories (TV series)
The Return of the Living Dead
Murder, She Wrote (TV series)
Night Court (TV series)
Legmen (TV series)
E. Nick: A Legend in His Own Mind
The Star Chamber
Shooting Stars
9 to 5 (TV series)
The Day the Bubble Burst
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Park Place (TV series)
Nobody's Perfect (TV series)
The Rose
Tales of the Unexpected (TV series)
Benson (TV series)
Steel Cowboy
The Runaways (TV series)
Foul Play
New York, New York
Most Wanted (TV series)
Delvecchio (TV series)
Baretta (TV series)
Bank Shot
The Law
Barney Miller (TV series)
The Rainbow Boys
Cinderella Liberty
Inspektor Kojak (TV series)
The Blue Knight
The Streets of San Francisco (TV series)
The Delphi Bureau (TV series)
Greaser's Palace
Goodnight, My Love
Columbo (TV series)
Utterly Without Redeeming Social Value
No More Excuses
Don Calfa 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Don Calfa Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
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Birthday Dec 3 |
1939 births |
2016 deaths |
Chinese Rabbit |
Life Path 1
Sun in Sagittarius + Moon in Virgo |
Sun 10° Sagittarius |
Mercury 29° Scorpio |
Venus 3° Capricorn |
Mars 9° Pisces |
Jupiter 29° Pisces |
Saturn 24° Aries |
Uranus 19° Taurus |
Neptune 25° Virgo |
Pluto 2° Leo |
Mercury Retrograde | Saturn Retrograde | Uranus Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
Disseminating Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Don Calfa, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Sagittarius
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Sagittarius
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Sagittarius bear the seal of the ruler of their sign, Jupiter, which symbolizes justice and happiness. They are therefore optimistic, active, social and very honest, sometimes to the extent that their directness hurts others, without them being aware of it. -»

Disseminating (Waning Gibbous) Moon
Scattering seeds, Distribution, Teach, Sharing and Introspection
Rabbit (Earth)
Chinese horoscope
The Rabbit is usually cautious, sensible and reserved. People born in the Year of the Rabbit want to live in peace and comfort and protect their peaceful life. The Rabbits are extremely gentle creatures - they symbolize charm and kindness. Rabbits exhibit good manners and enjoy beauty. -»
Hornbeam Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Hornbeam do great in professions such as bank clerks or civil servants, or in military and police functions. They have a great sense of order, responsibility and justice. It is easy for them to conform to a set system or order and they like to ensure strict adherence to laws and generally accepted rules. -»
Life Path - 1
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people like to be leaders. They have courage and inspiration, and they are active and creative. They give priority to individual success and have the ability to use their initiative and determination to succeed. They should devote more time to other people. It is good to praise them. -»
Birthday 3rd - Friendship
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are social and friendly. They like people and have many friends. They are honest. They are creative and have many ideas. They are not afraid of other people. In a romantic relationship they want to be independent. It is very important that they find a partner who is social. -»
Don Calfa 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Don Calfa - actor
Don Calfa was born on December 3, 1939 in New York, New York, United States Don Calfa at: Wikipedia.org

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