Birth Chart of Charles Murray, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Charles Murray - Birth Chart
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
† 69 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 1
29 July 1941
(Cause: Pneumonia)
Charles Murray - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
22 June 1872 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Charles Murray 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Charles Murray
Date of Birth - Jun 22, 1872
(actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jun 22, 1872
(actor, instagram)
Charles Murray - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
When Comedy Was King
Down Memory Lane
Once Over Lightly
Happy Times and Jolly Moments
Stars Past and Present
A Small Town Idol
Personality Parade
Breaking the Ice
County Fair
Circus Girl
Cinema Circus
Dangerous Waters
Lucky Beginners
His Old Flame
Ten Baby Fingers
Stable Mates
Radio Dough
Plumbing for Gold
Fishing for Trouble
Back to the Soil
Hollywood on Parade No. A-8
The Cohens and Kellys in Trouble
Running Hollywood
Courting Trouble
The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood
Screen Snapshots Series 10, No. 6
The Slippery Pearls
Stay Out
Models and Wives
In Old Mazuma
Hot and Bothered
Divorce a la Carte
Caught Cheating
All Excited
Screen Snapshots Series 9, No. 20
Rolling Along
The Love Punch
His Honor the Mayor
Go to Blazes
The Duke of Dublin
Discontented Cowboys
The Cohens and the Kellys in Scotland
The Cohens and the Kellys in Africa
Clancy in Wall Street
Around the Corner
Vamping Venus
Pioneer Scout
The Head Man
Flying Romeos
Do Your Duty
The Cohens and the Kellys in Paris
The Gorilla
The Poor Nut
McFadden's Flats
The Masked Woman
Lost at the Front
The Life of Riley
The Silent Lover
The Boob
Sweet Daddies
Subway Sadie
The Reckless Lady
Her Second Chance
The Devil's Circus
The Cohens and the Kellys
The Wizard of Oz
Why Women Love
Who Cares
White Fang
Steel Preferred
Somewhere in Somewhere
Paint and Powder
My Son
Fighting the Flames
Screen Snapshots, Series 4, No. 10
Lilies of the Field
Fools' Highway
The Mine with the Iron Door
The Hollywood Kid
Scarem Much
Painted People
The Girl in the Limousine
Flickering Youth
The Fire Patrol
Empty Hearts
Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 17
Wild and Wicked
So This Is Hamlet?
The Pill Pounder
Pat's Patents
The Life of Reilly
Helpful Hogan
The Four Orphans
The Fiddling Fool
Fearless Flanagan
The Fatal Photo
The Busybody
Bright Lights of Broadway
Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 2
A Social Error
Faint Hearts
The Crossroads of New York
Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 19
The Unhappy Finish
Home Talent
Hard Knocks and Love Taps
A Small Town Idol
Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 7
Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 3
Ten Dollars or Ten Days
Movie Fans
Married Life
Love, Honor and Behave
His Youthful Fancy
Great Scott!
Gee Whiz
Don't Weaken!
By Golly!
Yankee Doodle in Berlin
When Love Is Blind
Up in Alf's Place
Trying to Get Along
The Speakeasy
Salome vs. Shenandoah
Reilly's Wash Day
Puppy Love
Never Too Old
The Dentist
Whose Little Wife Are You?
Watch Your Neighbor
Love Loops the Loop
His Wife's Friend
Hide and Seek Detectives
Her Blighted Love
Friend Husband
The Betrayal of Maggie
That Night
Maggie's First False Step
His Precious Life
Her Fame and Shame
A Bedroom Blunder
Pills of Peril
A Movie Star
Maid Mad
A Love Riot
The Judge
His Hereafter
Her Marble Heart
The Feathered Nest
A Bath House Blunder
Those College Girls
Their Social Splash
Rum and Wall Paper
Only a Farmer's Daughter
Hogan, the Porter
Hogan's Wild Oats
Hogan's Romance Upset
Hogan's Mussy Job
Hogan's Aristocratic Dream
Hogan Out West
Her Winning Punch
Her Painted Hero
The Great Vacuum Robbery
A Game Old Knight
From Patches to Plenty
Fatty and the Broadway Stars
Caught in the Act
The Beauty Bunglers
Beating Hearts and Carpets
Where Hazel Met the Villain
When Villains Wait
When Ruben Fooled the Bandits
Such a Cook
Stout Hearts But Weak Knees
Soldiers of Misfortune
Skelley's Skeleton
Skelley's Birthday
Skelley Buys a Hotel
Skelley and the Turkey
She's a Cook
The Plumber
The Passing of Izzy
One Thousand to One Shot
The Noise of Bombs
A Missing Bride
Love and Bullets
Killing Horace
The Janitor's Revenge
Mabel's Married Life
His New Profession
Charles Murray 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Charles Murray Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Jun 22 |
1872 births |
1941 deaths |
Life Path 1
Sun in Cancer + Moon in Capricorn |
Sun 1° Cancer |
Mercury 28° Gemini |
Venus 24° Gemini |
Mars 21° Gemini |
Jupiter 2° Leo |
Saturn 19° Capricorn |
Uranus 29° Cancer |
Neptune 25° Aries |
Pluto 20° Taurus |
Saturn Retrograde |
Full Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Charles Murray, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Cancer
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Cancer
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which gives people born under this sign great emotional sensitivity. They are thus often reserved and shy. -»

Full Moon
Culmination, Fulfillment, Illumination, Realization, Experience
Apple Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Apple tree are usually pleasant, and have a special charisma. When dealing with others they are usually warm and generous. They are contemplative and willing to embark on any adventure. -»
Life Path - 1
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people like to be leaders. They have courage and inspiration, and they are active and creative. They give priority to individual success and have the ability to use their initiative and determination to succeed. They should devote more time to other people. It is good to praise them. -»
Birthday 22nd - Endurance
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are sensitive and kind. That is why they need their partner's support. They are practical and thorough. They have methodological and organisational abilities. They easily make practical decisions. -»
Charles Murray 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Charles Murray - actor
Charles Murray was born on June 22, 1872 in Laurel, United States Charles Murray at: Wikipedia.org

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