Birth Chart of Blixa Bargeld, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Blixa Bargeld - Birth Chart (Christian Emmerich)
- Sun:
- Life Path: 1
composer, musician, singer, actor
Blixa Bargeld - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
12 January 1959 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Blixa Bargeld 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Blixa Bargeld
Date of Birth - Jan 12, 1959
(composer, musician, singer, actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jan 12, 1959
(composer, musician, singer, actor, instagram)
Blixa Bargeld - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Anhedonia - Narzissmus als Narkose
Desire Will Set You Free
B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989
20,000 Days on Earth
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 7: Henry's Dream
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 6: The Good Son
Die Ameise der Kunst
No Wave - Underground '80: Berlin - New York
Elektrokohle (Von wegen)
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 5: Tender Prey
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 4: Your Funeral... My Trial
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 3: Kicking Against the Pricks
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 2: The Firstborn Is Dead
Do You Love Me Like I Love You, Part 1: From Her to Eternity
Auf der anderen Seite der Leinwand - 100 Jahre Moviemento
Palast der Republik
On Tour With Neubauten.org
Ich will Spaß - Die 80er-Jahre-Pop-und-Schlagernacht mit Perlen aus Ost und West
Kurt Weill
Jonas at the Ocean
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow (music video)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: God Is in the House
Listen With Pain: 20 Years Of Einstuerzende Neubauten
Die Totale Therapie
POP 2000
Nina Hagen = Punk + Glory
The Mummy
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds: The Videos (music video)
Die Sieben Feuer des Todes
Jonas in the Desert
Haut - Sweat, Die
Liebeslieder: Einstürzende Neubauten
Live at the Paradiso
Die Terroristen!
Just Visiting This Planet
Rockpalast - Einstürzende Neubauten
The Road to God Knows Where
Nihil oder Alle Zeit der Welt
Der Himmel über Berlin
1/2 Man
So war das S.O.36
Berlin Now
Strike Back
Blixa Bargeld - Filmography - Composer (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
1/2 Man
Blixa Bargeld - Partner relationships
Blixa Bargeld 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Blixa Bargeld Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Jan 12 |
1959 births |
Chinese Dog |
Life Path 1
Sun in Capricorn + Moon in Pisces |
Sun 21° Capricorn |
Mercury 2° Capricorn |
Venus 6° Aquarius |
Mars 19° Taurus |
Jupiter 25° Scorpio |
Saturn 0° Capricorn |
Uranus 15° Leo |
Neptune 6° Scorpio |
Pluto 3° Virgo |
Uranus Retrograde | Pluto Retrograde |
New Moon Phase |
Occupation: Composers | Occupation: Musicians | Occupation: Singers | Occupation: Actors
Blixa Bargeld, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Capricorn
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Capricorn
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
Capricorn sign is ruled by the planet Saturn, which gives people born under this sign peace, patience, perseverance and ambition. These people are able to put maximum effort into work they have chosen to do or which they were told to do. -»

New Moon
Birth, Beginning, Clarity
Dog (Earth)
Chinese horoscope
Dog is loner, extremely stubborn and highly suspicious of new acquaintances. People born in the Year of the Dog tend to submerge themselves in completely unimportant matters and details. They are a bit crazy, but their evolved sensibilities and critical spirit help to protect them from the worst. -»
Elm Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
Elm characterises people of very trustworthy appearance and calm manners. Calmness, mental well-being and self-control, all this literally radiates from elm people. They can plan everything very carefully and their deliberation is reflected in a great foresight; they are seldom surprised by something. -»
Life Path - 1
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people like to be leaders. They have courage and inspiration, and they are active and creative. They give priority to individual success and have the ability to use their initiative and determination to succeed. They should devote more time to other people. It is good to praise them. -»
Birthday 12th - Versatility
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are creative and insightful. They are versatile and professionally capable. They are smart, popular and attractive. They excel in a number of areas. They are family-oriented. -»
Blixa Bargeld 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Blixa Bargeld - composer, musician, singer, actor
Blixa Bargeld was born on January 12, 1959 in Berlin Blixa Bargeld at: Wikipedia.org

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