Birth Chart of Betty Compson, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Betty Compson - Birth Chart (Eleanor Luicime Compson)
Date of Birth:
Birth place:
Beaver, Utah
† 77 years
- Sun:
- Life Path: 11
18 April 1974
(Cause: Heart Attack)
Betty Compson - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
19 March 1897 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Betty Compson 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Betty Compson
Date of Birth Mar 19, 1897
(actress, instagram)
Date of Birth Mar 19, 1897
(actress, instagram)
Betty Compson - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Here Comes Trouble
Second Chance
Hard Boiled Mahoney
Her Adventurous Night
Claudia and David
Danger! Women at Work
Confessions of a Vice Baron
Zis Boom Bah
The Watchman Takes a Wife
Roar of the Press
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Invisible Ghost
Escort Girl
Strange Cargo
Mad Youth
Laughing at Danger
Cafe Hostess
They Asked for It
Religious Racketeers
News Is Made at Night
Hotel Imperial
Cowboys from Texas
Under the Big Top
Two Gun Justice
Torchy Blane in Panama
Port of Missing Girls
Blondes at Work
The Beloved Brat
A Slight Case of Murder
God's Country and the Man
Federal Bullets
Circus Girl
Two Minutes to Play
The Millionaire Kid
Laughing Irish Eyes
Killer at Large
Hollywood Boulevard
The Drag-Net
Bulldog Edition
August Weekend
Manhattan Butterfly
False Pretenses
Movie Memories #2
No Sleep on the Deep
West of Singapore
Notorious But Nice
Destination Unknown
The Silver Lining
Guilty or Not Guilty
The House That Shadows Built
Woman Pursued
The Virtuous Husband
Three Who Loved
The Lady Refuses
The Gay Diplomat
Hollywood Halfbacks
Those Who Dance
The Voice of Hollywood, Series 1, No. 2
The Spoilers
She Got What She Wanted
Midnight Mystery
Isle of Escape
Inside the Lines
Czar of Broadway
The Case of Sergeant Grischa
The Boudoir Diplomat
Woman to Woman
Weary River
The Time, the Place and the Girl
The Show of Shows
The Great Gabbo
Street Girl
Skin Deep
On with the Show!
Blaze o' Glory
The Big City
The Masked Angel
Scarlet Seas
Masked Angel
Life's Mockery
The Docks of New York
The Desert Bride
The Barker
Temptations of a Shop Girl
Say It with Diamonds
Love Me and the World Is Mine
The Ladybird
Cheating Cheaters
The Wise Guy
The Belle of Broadway
The Palace of Pleasure
The Pony Express
Paths to Paradise
New Lives for Old
Locked Doors
Eve's Secret
Counsel for the Defense
Beggar on Horseback
The White Shadow
The Stranger
The Prude's Fall
The Garden of Weeds
The Female
The Fast Set
Ramshackle House
Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 21
The Woman with Four Faces
Woman to Woman
The White Flower
The Royal Oak
The Rustle of Silk
Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 9
A Trip to Paramountown
To Have and to Hold
The Bonded Woman
Over the Border
The Law and the Woman
Kick In
The Green Temptation
Always the Woman
Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 17
Prisoners of Love
The Little Minister
Ladies Must Live
For Those We Love
At the End of the World
The Miracle Man
The Light of Victory
Terror of the Range
The Prodigal Liar
The Little Diplomat
The Devil's Trail
Whose Wife?
The Sheriff
Somebody's Baby
Never Surprise Your Wife
Many a Slip
Here Comes the Groom
Circumstantial Evidence
Border Raiders
Betty's Adventure
All Dressed Up
Won in a Cabaret
Those Wedding Bells
Their Seaside Tangle
Suspended Sentence
Small Change
Sauce for the Goose
Out for the Coin
Nearly a Papa
Love and Locksmiths
Hubby's Night Out
His Last Pill
Her Friend, the Chauffeur
Her Crooked Career
Help! Help! Police!
Five Little Widows
Father's Bright Idea
Down by the Sea
Cupid's Camouflage
Crazy by Proxy
Betty Wakes Up
Betty's Big Idea
A Smoky Love Affair
As Luck Would Have It
Almost Divorced
Almost a Scandal
Almost a Bigamist
A Bold, Bad Knight
Wooing of Aunt Jemima
When the Losers Won
When Lizzie Disappeared
When Clubs Were Trumps
Wanted: A Husband
Those Primitive Days
The Janitor's Busy Day
The Deacon's Waterloo
That Doggone Baby
Some Kid
Sea Nymphs
Potts Bungles Again
The Newlyweds' Mix-Up
Nearly a Hero
Mingling Spirits
The Making Over of Mother
Lovers and Lunatics
Love and Vaccination
Lem's College Career
Jed's Trip to the Fair
Inoculating Hubby
Hist! At Six O'Clock
His Baby
He Wouldn't Tip
He's a Devil
Her Sun-Kissed Hero
Betty Compson - Family and Partner relationships
(*1884) James Cruze - husband (click for synastry)
Other partner relationships:
(*1904) Grant Withers
(click for synastry)
Betty Compson 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Betty Compson Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Mar 19 |
1897 births |
1974 deaths |
Life Path 11
Sun in Pisces + Moon in Libra |
Sun 29° Pisces |
Mercury 17° Pisces |
Venus 10° Taurus |
Mars 28° Gemini |
Jupiter 2° Virgo |
Saturn 0° Sagittarius |
Uranus 28° Scorpio |
Neptune 17° Gemini |
Pluto 11° Gemini |
Jupiter Retrograde | Saturn Retrograde | Uranus Retrograde |
Full Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors
Betty Compson, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Pisces
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Pisces
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Pisces are just like people born under the sign of Aquarius influenced by two planets. Jupiter gives them sense for justice, social conscience and willingness to help others, while Neptune both helps them and complicates their life. -»

Full Moon
Culmination, Fulfillment, Illumination, Realization, Experience
Lime Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People born under the rule of Lime achieve their life goals relatively quickly and easily. It's hard to say why, they are just lucky. They achieve their success even thought they tend to be comfortable and try to organise problem-free life for themselves. They try to avoid conflicts under all circumstances; they never go into direct conflict. They are people of compromise; they are often willing to make big concessions in order to avoid complications. -»
Life Path - 11
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are ambitious and intelligent. They can achieve a great success, but also a great failure. They are gifted and have a tendency to have visions. They can use inspiration from God. -»
Birthday 19th - Participation
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are very strong and energetic. They are wise, understanding and empathetic. They are intellectual. They are patient and ready to please others. In romantic relationships they are devoted. They want to understand their partner and are generous. They passionately protect their family. -»
Betty Compson 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Betty Compson - actress
Betty Compson was born on March 19, 1897 in Beaver, Utah, United States Betty Compson at: Wikipedia.org

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