Birth Chart of Alberto De Martino, Astrology Horoscope, Date of Birth

Alberto De Martino - Birth Chart (Alberto Martino De Martino)
- Sun:
- Life Path: 3
director, actor
Alberto De Martino - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope
Date of Birth:
12 June 1929 - unknown time (?)
House system:
no system
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
(Alberto De Martino 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics
Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Alberto De Martino
Date of Birth - Jun 12, 1929
(director, actor, instagram)
Date of Birth - Jun 12, 1929
(director, actor, instagram)
Alberto De Martino - Filmography - Director (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
Formula for a Murder
Miami Golem
Blood Link
L' Uomo puma
Shadows in an Empty Room
The Antichrist
Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza?
The Counsellor
Crime Boss
Scenes from a Murder
The Man With Icy Eyes
Beverly Hills
Bandits in Rome
OK Connery
Dalle Ardenne all'inferno
The Man of a Thousand Masks
Missione speciale Lady Chaplin
Django Shoots First
Eroi di Fort Worth, Gli
Centomila dollari per Ringo
Hercules and the Ten Avengers
The Revolt of the Seven
The Invincible Seven
Medusa Against the Son of Hercules
The Blancheville Monster
The Invincible Gladiator
Due contro tutti
Alberto De Martino - Filmography - Actor (IMDb.com)
(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
L'elisir d'amore
Alberto De Martino 2025 - Astrological Charts, Astrology Online
Alberto De Martino Astro-Databank - Astro Database Categories
Seek other celebrities in the same categories:
Birthday Jun 12 |
1929 births |
2015 deaths |
Chinese Snake |
Life Path 3
Sun in Gemini + Moon in Leo |
Sun 20° Gemini |
Mercury 16° Gemini |
Venus 6° Taurus |
Mars 17° Leo |
Jupiter 29° Taurus |
Saturn 27° Sagittarius |
Uranus 10° Aries |
Neptune 28° Leo |
Pluto 17° Cancer |
Mercury Retrograde | Saturn Retrograde |
Crescent Moon Phase |
Occupation: Actors | Occupation: Directors
Alberto De Martino, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Gemini
Biography at Wikipedia
Sun in Gemini
Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Gemini are people of many talents and they are able to use their skills in both theory and practice. They are very intelligent and quick-witted people who are interested in everything that happen around them, and they can quickly adapt to any new situation. -»

Crescent (Waxing) Moon
Expansion, Growth, Struggle, Opportunity
Snake (Earth)
Chinese horoscope
In most countries of the world Snake has a very bad reputation. On the other hand, in the countries of Asia, Snakes are prized, and much appreciated for their wisdom and sagacity. A man born in this sign is sensitive and full of humor. A woman is pretty, and often makes her way through life using her gift of attractive beauty. -»
Aspen Tree
Celtic tree horoscope
People under the rule of Aspen have a very varied life. They have adventurous character that often goes hand in hand with diverse abilities. They can do everything with great enthusiasm; they are able to sacrifice everything for a thing or a person. They do everything with all their energy and vigour. -»
Life Path - 3
Numerology - Life Path Number
These people are mentally alert and have creative minds. They are creative and original, and they have a good imagination. They hate boredom and like to cooperate with others. They are charming and witty. They are critical of others and they should therefore learn how to be more diplomatic. They need to work freely and without restraints. -»
Birthday 12th - Versatility
Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are creative and insightful. They are versatile and professionally capable. They are smart, popular and attractive. They excel in a number of areas. They are family-oriented. -»
Alberto De Martino 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)
Alberto De Martino - director, actor
Alberto De Martino was born on June 12, 1929 in Rome Alberto De Martino at: Wikipedia.org

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